Al-Rashed International Shipping Co. was awarded the contract for the freight forwarding of heavy lift equipment (onshore part plus coordination and responsibility of door to door services) in April 2017.
The unique award intended Al-Rashed to Lead the scope of Off-Shore Forwarder, CCA whilst On-Shore under direct control of Al- Rashed.
The project wing of Al-Rashed International Shipping Co. was instrumental in the overall execution of the project so far, closely coordinating with the Offshore and CCA Company contracted via TSHJV, & updating the client on day to day basis.
With the goal of completing the entire project by end of 2018, approx. 37800 Tons of Heavy Lift & General Cargo was delivered to site. The first lot of the FAR (field auxiliary module) with dimensions 34.13x 9.18 x 4 m & weight of approx. 160 tons has been successfully delivered during week 33-35.
The delivery had to overcome a lot of hurdles including Public Holidays, route preparations, electrical shutdowns and other opera- tional challenges. Remaining lots of these H/L units are expected in regular intervals to Kuwait.